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Total : £216.24
Subtotal : £216.24
Tax : £43.25
Total(Including Tax) : £259.49
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Custom Printed Patio Umbrellas

Like your signage, thoughtfully designed patio umbrellas can convey the uniqueness of your business and make your customers feel welcome. They are also functional to keep your customers out of the sun or rain while they enjoy a beverage or something to eat outside. With all the emphasis on digital advertising these days, we often forget the importance of the physical aspects of business advertising. 

To really make your cafe stand out, make sure you get your brand name printed onto your cafe umbrellas. This gives you even more advertising for your business. And, this is especially helpful if your signage is obscured by trees or something else you are unable to remove. It's also true that brand repetition is one of the best ways to make people remember your business. Having multiple branded umbrellas in front of your business is a great way to accomplish this. Even if they don't realise it, everyone who passes by your business will see your brand name 3 times or more.